Type: Total body - Strength
What you need: Heavy weights *record the weight you use in this specific workout*
Suggested time: Mid-day
Total time: 35 mins
- Cycle through the upper/lower/core portion of each block 3x in a row
- Once you’ve completed the 3 rounds, you are done with that block & should move on to the next block
This workout is the same as Follicular Workout #1 (which is why I’d like you to record the weight you use). Because you are at the start of your luteal phase, I would like you to aim to go heavy with your weights & slow down the movements. Focus on INTENTION not INTENSITY. This will allow you to get the most out of these exercises in this specific phase.
Upper – 16 Alternating chest fly (8x each arm)
Lower – 12 weighted sumo squat + heel raise
Core – 12 V ups
^ REPEAT 3x ^
Rest for 1 minute - then move onto next block
U + L + C - 1 minute of: Man eaters
^ REPEAT 3x ^
(*Take a 1 min break between each round!)
Rest for 1 minute - then move onto next block
U – 12 Arnold press
L – 15 Deadlifts
C – 12 Rocking plank (fwd + back = 1)
^ REPEAT 3x ^
Type: Lower body + core circuit - Strength
What you need: Heavy/Medium weights
Suggested time: Early morning
Total time:
- 3 rounds: 30 minutes total
- Cycle through this circuit 3 TIMES
During the first half of your luteal phase, your energy levels may still be high. However, an increase in estrogen and progesterone levels are going to make you more sensitive to the effects of cortisol, your stress hormone. Because of this, you don’t want to add to that strain by doing workouts that are TOO intense. Instead, you want to take advantage of the energy and anabolic properties of estrogen by using heavier weights. But, you will start to Tone It Down by keeping your movements slow and controlled with a focus on form.
This maximizes lean muscle mass while minimizing stress on your body and mind.
For strength moves: 45 seconds ON + 15 seconds REST per move
For cardio moves: 30 seconds ON + 30 seconds REST per move
- Weighted squat pulses
- Squat jumps
- Wood chops (switch at half)
- Alternating weighted side lunges
- Ice skaters
- Scissor kicks
- Weighted Bulgarian split squat (switch leg at half)
- Runners lunge (switch leg at half)
- High plank walk alternate right + left
- Rest 1 minute
^ Complete entire circuit 3 times through ^
Type: Upper body + core circuit - Strength
What you need: Heavy/Medium weights
Suggested time: Early morning
Total time:
- 3 rounds: 30 minutes total
- Cycle through this circuit 3 TIMES
Continued higher energy and strength levels during the first half of this phase allow you to keep using heavier weights. Remember to keep your movements slow and controlled to maximize lean muscle mass and minimize stress on the bod.
For strength moves: 45 seconds ON + 15 seconds REST per move
For cardio moves: 30 seconds ON + 30 seconds REST per move
- Hammer curls
- Tricep push ups
- Weighted Russian twists
- Bent over neutral grip rows
- Lying chest press with 1/2 pulse
- Cross body mountain climbers
- 1-1-2 Overhead shoulder press
- Butterfly crunches
- Weighted jabs
- Rest 1 minute
^ Complete entire circuit 3 times through ^
Type: Steady state cardio
What you need: Whatever you prefer!
Suggested time: Morning/afternoon
Total time: Aim for 25 minutes
At this point in your cycle, you are going to start to lean in the Tone It Down process. Metabolism is picking up, effects from cortisol (stress hormone) are more likely to be felt during this phase, an increase in progesterone levels increase a catabolic (breaking down) effect, and energy levels may be on their way down.
Because of this, keeping a steady pace for about 25 minutes is a great way to move in a way that matches your energy levels without over-stressing your body.
- Warm up for 5 minutes at a moderate pace
- Following the warm up, be sure to pick a pace that you can hold for 20 minutes
- You should be slightly out of breath, but still able to talk in mostly unbroken sentences
- Of course take “warm up pace” breaks if need be
Type: Total body – Strength
What you need: Medium/Light weights + Medium resistance bands
Suggested time: Morning/afternoon
Total time:
- 25 minutes
- Cycle through each block 2 TIMES in a row before moving on to the next one
This is the last strength training session of this cycle. You will want to focus on intention rather than intensity at this time. Mobility and recovery should be the goal vs. muscle building which is why medium/light weights are perfect to use for this workout.
- 45 seconds: Alternating banded steps
- 45 seconds: Band pull aparts
- 12 Low plank step outs (out out + in in = 1)
^ Repeat block 2 times in a row ^
Rest for 1.5 minutes
- Weighted clock lunges (3x on each leg // fwd + side + reverse = 1x)
- 45 seconds: Tricep pulses
- 12 Supermans with lat pull down
^ Repeat block 2 times in a row ^
Rest for 1.5 minutes
- 20 Weighted calf raises
- 3x on each side: 4 curls 1 arm + iso hold on other
- 30 seconds: Bear crawls
^ Repeat block 2 times in a row ^
Type: Yoga / Stretching / Mobility
What you need: A mat
Suggested time: Late afternoon/early evening
Total time:
- 4 rounds: 28 minutes
- Hold each pose for 1 MINUTE
- Cycle through this sequence 4 TIMES
Gentle movement is the perfect way to allow your body to absorb all of the hard work that you've put in this past cycle and adapt to the workouts that you've done.
It will give your body the support it needs to prepare for your menstrual phase without adding to the catabolic (breaking down) effects that are taking place inside of you. Shedding the lining of one of your organs is no easy task after all!
Don’t forget to thank your body for everything it has done and continues to do for you as you breathe through this sequence below...
Minute 1: Lying butterfly
Minute 2: Lying twist (switch side at 30 seconds)
Minute 3: Seated forward fold
Minute 4: Glute bridges
Minute 5: Sumo squat stretch
Minute 6: Straddle
Minute 7: Childs pose
^ Complete sequence 4 times through ^
Type: Walk or low intensity cardio
What you need: A pair of sneaks! Or whatever you prefer - Outdoor walk/Treadmill/Elliptical/Bicycle/Stationary bike/Rower/Jump rope/Roller blades/Dancing…the choices are endless!
Suggested time: Afternoon/Evening
Total time: Aim for 20 minutes
As you come to the end of your luteal phase, energy levels are likely low.
If you experience PMS symptoms, now may be the time they arrive. It’s important to remember that gentle movement lowers inflammation, so going for a walk or doing any form of low intensity cardio at this stage in your cycle will greatly help reduce that while still getting the blood flowing!
- Keep a comfortable, steady pace for 20 minutes