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Fitness Equipment On a Wood Floor


Type: Total body – Strength + cardio
What you need: Medium weights
Suggested time: Mid-day
Total time:
- 26 minutes total
- 12 minute AMRAP #1 +  12 minute AMRAP #2
- 2 minute rest in
between both AMRAPs



We are starting the follicular series off with a total body strength & cardio workout to prep your muscles and cardiovascular system for the increasing intensity that will occur over the next few workouts. If you feel you need to prep your body a bit more, hold on to those medium weights. If you're ready to rock, pick up those heavies!


If you are feeling confident in your ability to do so, try to increase the weight that you use during this cycle compared to last month! Progressive overload leads to increased strength & muscle gain + better metabolism + fat loss + a world of other benefits!

AMRAP = as many rounds as possible

Set a timer for 12 minutes for AMRAP #1 and then 12 minutes for AMRAP #2

Complete as many rounds of the exercises as you can within each 12 minute block.

*Take breaks and/or drop weight if necessary


12 Minute AMRAP #1

- 12 Weighted squats + into calf raise
- 12 Bus drivers
- 6x through: Plank walk ups ( up up + down down = 1x)
- 16 Squat jacks


Rest for 2 minutes


12 Minute AMRAP #2
- 16 Weighted walking lunges
- 12 Tricep chest press
- 16 Crunches 
- 16 Sumo squat jumps



Type: Total body - Strength + cardio
What you need: Medium/heavy weights
Suggested time: Mid-day
Total time:
- 3 rounds: 30 minutes total
- 1 minute per move + 1 minute rest in between each round
- Cycle through this circuit 3 times


At this point in your cycle your hormones are low enough to handle an intense workout without over stressing your body. 

Your metabolism is also approaching its slowest point at this time as well. So if fat loss is your goal - and even if it's not! - you will benefit from revving the metabolism up a bit with this one!

EMOM (Every minute on the minute) Total Body Strength & Cardio
Complete the designated # of reps for each move within the minute
Any time left over in the minute is used for rest


Minute 1:  45 seconds: 10 seal jacks + 2 inchworms
Minute 2:  12 Chest fly
Minute 3:  4x through: Bear crawls (4 fwd + 4 back = 1)
Minute 4:  12 Weighted squat jumps
Minute 5:  12 Concentration curls (6 LEFT + 6 RIGHT)
Minute 6:  20 Cross body mountain climbers
Minute 7: 12 Runners lunge jumps (6 LEFT + 6 RIGHT)
Minute 8: 12 Scissor kicks
Minute 9: 45 seconds: Wall sits
Minute 10: REST


^ Complete entire circuit 3 times through ^


Type: Interval cardio 
What you need: Whatever you prefer!

Suggested time: Mid-day
Total time: 24 minutes



At this point in your cycle your hormones are low enough to handle an intense workout without over stressing your body. 

Your metabolism is also approaching its slowest point at this time as well. So if fat loss is your goal - and even if it's not! - you will benefit from revving the metabolism up a bit with this interval workout!


Complete the below intervals by doing whatever form of cardio you’d like!

Minute 0 - 2: warm up pace

Minute 2 - 5: moderate pace (heart rate should be up there)

Minute 5 - 6: intense pace (the hardest you can go)

Minute 6 - 8: slowly decrease pace until you’re back at a moderate pace


*Take warm up pace breaks if needed!

^ repeat the above circuit 3x through ^





Type: Upper body & core - Strength
What you need: Heavy weights 
Suggested time: Mid-day
Total time: 40 minutes



You are in a prime spot to not only handle an intense workout strength-wise, but also to reap those benefits....#gainz. So let’s take advantage of that and increase those weights for the upper body and core!

Also, look to increase the weights slightly from what you used last month as your heavy weights.

18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 workout

Perform 18 reps of each of the 6 moves, then 15 reps of each move, then 12 reps...etc etc until you get down to 3 reps per each move.



18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps of:
- Man eaters
- Suitcase crunches
- Bicep sprinters
- Plank shin taps
- Push ups (as many as you can for the higher # sets)
- Opposite hand to foot v-ups
- Overhead diagonal tricep press (half of the set on 1 arm + other half of set on other)






Type: Lower body & core - Strength
What you need: Heavy weights 
Suggested time: Mid-day
Total time: 40 minutes



Once again, you are in a prime spot to handle and reap the benefits of an intense strength workout ... #gainz.

So take advantage of that by increasing those weights for the lower body and core!

Also – as previously mentioned, look to increase the weights slightly from what you used last month as your heavy weights.

18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 workout

Perform 18 reps of each of the 6 moves, then 15 reps of each move, then 12 reps...etc etc until you get down to 3 reps per each move.



18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps of:
- Weighted alternating forward lunges
- Butterfly crunches
- Weighted sumo squat + heel raise
- Weighted good mornings
- Single leg deadlifts LEFT (hold 1 weight on the same side of your left leg)
- Single leg deadlifts RIGHT (hold 1 weight on the same side as your left leg)
- Plank shoulder taps





Type: Total body - Strength + cardio
What you need: Heavy weights 
Suggested time: Mid-day
Total time:
35-40 mins 
- Cycle through the upper/lower/core portion of each block 3x in a row
- Then finish that block with the “cardio finisher” 1x before moving on to the next block


This is the last workout before your ovulatory phase begins. Your energy should be just about peaking and muscle building abilities are about to be at an all time high, so take advantage and up the intensity for both cardio and strength!

Upper – 12 Skull crushers
Lower – 12 Goblet squats
Core – 16 Side plank hip dips (8 LEFT + 8 RIGHT)
^ REPEAT 3x then:

Cardio Finisher – 45 seconds of: Ice skaters


Rest for 1 minute

– 12 Chest press with 1/2 pulse
L – 16 Bulgarian split squat (8 LEFT + 8 RIGHT)
C – 45 seconds: Swimmers

^ REPEAT 3x then:

Cardio Finisher – 45 seconds: Low plank jacks

Rest for 1 minute

– 4x through of: 3 neutral grip bent over rows + 3 underhand grip bent over rows + 3 wide grip bent over rows
L – 16 Kettlebell (or dumbbell) swings
C – 20 Bicycle kicks
^ REPEAT 3x then:

Cardio Finisher – 45 seconds: Quick feet + sprawl 




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