All exercises are in alphabetical order
For quick find, press Ctrl + F (or Command + F for Mac)
and type in the exercise you’re looking for
Modifications will be shown at the end of all necessary videos
Quick tip: in most cases, you can take out the jump, or drop the weight/band
E-MAIL ME if you need any further suggestions!
1 - 1 - 2 Overhead shoulder press
180 degree squat jumps (with modification)
4 curls w/ 1 arm + iso hold on other
Alternating overhead shoulder press
Alternating weighted reverse lunges
Alternating weighted side lunges
Banded glute bridges with abduction at top
Banded standing leg abductions
Bridge walk outs (with modification)
Bulgarian split squat - WEIGHTED
Childs pose (with progressions)
Cross body mountain climbers (w modification)
Forward and back rocking plank
Hammer curl + neutral grip overhead press
Inchworm (with progression)
Kettlebell (dumbbell) swings (with progression)
Lying chest press with 1/2 pulse
Overhead diagonal tricep press
Push ups (w modification)