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Box Jumping


Type: Cardio intervals
What you need: Whatever you prefer! Outdoor run /Treadmill /Elliptical /Bicycle /Stationary bike/Rower/Jump rope/Roller blades/Dancing…the options are endless!
Suggested time: Early morning
Total time:
- 3 Rounds: 30 minutes
- Complete 3 rounds of the below intervals



The start of the ovulatory phase is the time to go hard!! Your metabolism isn’t burning at it’s maximum ability yet and your resting cortisol (stress hormone) levels are less likely to be negatively impacted by intense exercise, so interval cardio is a perfect way to increase cardiovascular adaptations (and burn some calories) without over stressing your body!


Complete the below intervals by doing whatever form of cardio you’d like!
An outdoor run, on a bike, elliptical, treadmill, a rower, stationary bike, jump rope, rollerblading, dancing … whatever floats your boat!

Minute 0 - 2: warm up pace

Minute 2 – 4: moderate pace

Minute 4 – 6: brisk pace (heart rate should be up! Should not be able to have a convo)

Minute 6 – 8: moderate pace

Minute 8 – 9: intense pace (fastest you are able)

Minute 9 – 10: decrease back to moderate pace 


^ Complete entire circuit 3x through ^






This workout will be the same each month

Type: Tabata:
 cardio + strength
What you need:
Maximum weights
**try to increase the weight you use and/or the reps you get from the previous month
Suggested time: Early morning
Total time:
- 35 minutes – Tabata timing
- 20 seconds ON / 10 seconds REST
- Complete 8 sets in a row of each exercise before moving on to the next exercise
- 1 minute rest in between each 



Right now you should be at your peak when it comes to energy levels and strength. Plus, your muscle building capabilities are at an all time high thanks to estrogen and testosterone levels - so now is your time to shine!
A Tabata style workout is an excellent way to get in some high intensity training while competing against yourself.

20 seconds ON / 10 seconds REST / 8 sets before moving on
Record the LOWEST weight you used for each exercise and the LOWEST rep count you achieved for each after completing all 8 rounds of the movement.
This is so that you will be able to compare your progress from month to month!
You start Bicep Curls using 8lbs and doing 10 reps,
But by the time you’re on the 8th round, you’re using 5lbs and doing 6 reps,
You would record it as: 5lbs and 6 reps


Weight –
Reps –  
^ Complete 8 sets in a row ^ then 1 minute rest


KETTLEBELL SWINGS (use 1 dumbbell if you don’t have a kettlebell)
Weight –
Reps –
^ Complete 8 sets in a row ^ then 1 minute rest


WEIGHTED FRONT SQUAT (rack weights on shoulders)
Weight –
Reps –
^ Complete 8 sets in a row ^ then 1 minute rest 


Reps – 
^ Complete 8 sets in a row ^ then 1 minute rest


WEIGHTED RUSSIAN TWIST (use 1 dumbbell) (Left = 1 + Right = 1)
Weight –
Reps –
^ Complete 8 sets in a row ^ then 1 minute rest


Weight –
Reps –
^ Complete 8 sets in a row ^ then 1 minute rest


Weight –
Reps –
^ Complete 8 sets in a row ^




Type: Total body circuit - Bodyweight strength + cardio
What you need: A mat 
Suggested time: Early morning
Total time:
- 5 rounds: 30 minutes total
- 45 seconds ON / 15 seconds REST per move
- Cycle through this circuit 5 TIMES 



Your energy levels and endurance should be peaking! Take advantage of it with this intense session which will maximize your endurance and cardiovascular adaptations!

45 seconds ON + 15 seconds REST per move
- Squat jumps
- Tricep dips
- Butterfly crunches
- Runners lunge (Switch leg at half)
- Push ups
- Rest 1 minute


 ^ Complete entire circuit 5 times through ^ 





Type: Total body strength
What you need:
Maximum weights 
Suggested time: Early morning
Total time:
- 2 rounds: 35 minutes total
- Cycle through this circuit 2 TIMES 



This is the last workout before your luteal phase begins. Energy, strength and power are still high and the anabolic (muscle building) effects of your hormones are still there - so you should take advantage of this by going heavier with your weights in order to maximize lean muscle gain.

However, because your metabolism is about to increase and your body is about to become more sensitive to the effects of cortisol (stress hormone), aim to slow down your movements and focus on form.

BLOCK 1 – Upper body
- 12 Lying dumbbell pull overs
- 12 Tricep push ups
- 12 Concentration curls (6 left + 6 right)
- 8 Front raise + Lateral raise (front + lat = 1)

Rest for 1 minute


BLOCK 2 – Lower body
- 12 Front weighted squats
- 12 Deadlifts 
- 16 Weighted Bulgarian split squats (8 on LEFT + 8 on RIGHT)
- 12 Weighted squat jumps

Rest for 1 minute

BLOCK 3 – Core
- 15 Plank jacks or plank step outs
- 12 Good mornings
- 12 V ups 
- 12 Supermans with 3 second hold at the top

Rest for 1 minute


   ^ Complete entire circuit 2 times through ^ 



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